Ryan Pawlicki

Network Architect

Unified Communications Architect

Telepresence & VoIP Architect

Contact Center Developer

Wireless Connections Expert

AI Software Developer

Web Developer

IT Professional


Ryan Pawlicki

Network Architect

Unified Communications Architect

Telepresence & VoIP Architect

Contact Center Developer

Wireless Connections Expert

AI Software Developer

Web Developer

IT Professional


Video on Demand Streaming Website

The goal was to create a highly available website, CDN, and storage network to stream large amounts of videos to users.

A combination of cloud computing, proprietary code, dynamic distribution networks, and big data analytics was used to achieve the goal. The system is fully automated, utilizing metadata to categorize, name, and link related content to video files. It is globally available via desktop and mobile devices, virtually zero downtime due to caching and regional hubs, and houses a large library of diverse motion pictures.

The result is a fully capable video streaming service using custom in-house designed, implemented, and managed systems and services.